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Sci-fi battle royale game

Sci-fi battle royale game

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Program license: Free

Developer: NetEase Games


Works under: Windows

Also available for Android


Program license

(14 votes)




NetEase Games

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A Sci-Fi Battle Royale with Unique Twists

Overview of Cyber Hunter

NetEase's entry into the saturated market of battle royale games, Cyber Hunter, gathers a flurry of interest with its science fiction twist on the genre. The game thrusts players into a futuristic world where 100 contenders engage in a fight for survival on a sprawling map. Cyber Hunter stands out by providing engaging mechanics that add much-needed freshness to the battle royale formula.

Gameplay Mechanics and Features

Cyber Hunter follows the traditional battle royale setup, deploying players across various locations on a vast map. As per genre necessities, a shrinking safe zone keeps the matchups tight and intense, funneling combatants towards an inevitable and thrilling final standoff. Yet, where Cyber Hunter pivots from the norm is the incorporation of robust vertical maneuverability.

Players can climb nearly any vertical surface, drawing parallel references to parkour movements popularized in other action games. This tactical layer transforms engagements, providing a three-dimensional battle that demands players to strategize both horizontally and vertically. The inclusion of air gliders and jet-powered hoverboards further amplifies mobility options, making traversals across the map an exhilarating part of the gameplay.

A unique take on resource gathering diverges from competitors; Cyber Hunter uses a single resource type, Quantum Energy, which is automatically collected when players are close to it. Prevalent in survival crafting elements, this streamlined approach to resource collection pairs with a limitation on the number of structures players can erect. Players can enter the fray with three preset structures, which they can deploy during combat to gain tactical advantages.

Weapons and Customization

The armory in Cyber Hunter is reflective of its sci-fi setting, ranging from high-powered rifles to inventive weaponry like healing shotguns. These armaments afford players a multitude of approaches to combat. The game takes pride in not just its weaponry but also the depth of character customization on offer. Players can craft a digital persona that stands out amidst the chaos, lending a personal touch to the online skirmishing.

Game Modes and Overall Experience

Both solo adventurers and team players find their place in Cyber Hunter. With a focus on team play modes, the game encourages cooperation and strategies unique to group dynamics. In a sea of battle royale games, Cyber Hunter might not claim the crown of originality due to its amalgamation of familiar elements, but the way these components are fused together creates an experience that feels distinct and engaging in its own right.


  • Innovative vertical climbing adds strategic depth
  • Comprehensive character customization options
  • Streamlined resource collection and structure building
  • Exciting parkour and transport mechanics with gliders and hoverboards
  • Sci-fi setting with futuristic weaponry


  • May feel derivative to some players due to similar BR elements
  • Contains a mix of ideas from various games, lacking a unique signature feature
  • Number of structures is limited, which may restrict creativity

Cyber Hunter is a battle royale that does more than enough to separate itself from the pack with its verticality and sci-fi charm. It offers an interesting proposition for fans of the genre looking to scale new heights in their quest for victory.